Project Contact Form

Use the form below only to get in contact with the project leaders of the optional projects. If you have a more general request, comment or question, kindly use our contact form the the bottom of this page. If you are looking for an application form, please start here.

? Please use your official name and surname.
? This is how we will reach you.
? Registered students already received certain information, this is how we know what you already (should) know.
? Only one can be marked. If you are interested in more than one of the projects, kindly refresh this page after submitting and fill it out again.
? Why are you interested in this project and what are your personal ambitions towards the topic?

There is NO need to convince us of your dedication or ‘bluff’ your way in. It is our intention to fine tune mutual expectations towards the project. Also, feel free to tell us a little bit about yourself.
? If you have questions about practical issues (registration, deadlines, fees …), kindly leave them here.
Please type the number in blue



