Abby Golub
Cornell University, USA
University of Leuven, Belgium
Most days you can find Abby carrying bread she has made, purchased, or received as a gift from a bakery. She will probably offer you a piece. On Gozo, she studies bakeries as places where families work together and where locals and tourists consume Gozitan culture. She focuses on one family bakery in Nadur, Gozo, as a lens into and as a unique contributor to food culture on the island. She is interested in collaborative research and the limitless possibilities for topics to fruitfully explore in bakeries. After graduating from Cornell University with a bachelor’s degree in Anthropology, Abby joined Expeditions as a student in 2014, and came back as staff to continue her research and work with other students in 2015. Some of her most effective and fun field methods include the process of learning the local language from locals, playing saxophone in the
Nadur Band Club, and shaping bread dough at bakeries. She is constantly surprised and excited by how these activities connect her to community and provide opportunities to learn in the field. Abby looks forward to baking and breaking bread, and taking notes, with many more students next summer.