Expeditions wants all members in their projects to be treated equally, without discrimination of any kind based on race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status such as disability, age, marital and family status, sexual orientation and gender identity, health status, place of residence, economic and social situation. Harassment based upon an individual’s sex, race, ethnicity, national origin, age or religion will not be tolerated in any of our projects. We expect that you do not engage in harassment, nor tolerate such behavior towards others around you. By collectively performing a non-discrimination and harassment stand, we can maintain the pedagogical environment that enables expressing different opinions, bringing new topics to the table, asking questions, sharing, listening, debating…
When confronted with sexual harassment or other types of abuse, either in the the context of the group or during fieldwork, students are encouraged to discuss any incident with their personal mentors or another team member of their choice. In first instance, this person will look for solutions through mediation. In case incidents are too serious in nature or mediation is undesirable for other reasons, the incident will be communicated to the Expeditions board, which will give advice on the steps to take next. Depending on the requests of the victim, follow-up can be done with or without mediation of a trusted go-to person, and is designed in agreement with the victim. Sam Janssen, Maarten Loopmans or Marjan Moris are on site for process supervision regarding any incidents. They will also engage in outreach towards staff or participants in any kind of trouble.